
Loops, creative coding.

Replacement technique with 2D grid of objects (Processing)


The replacement technique was already explained and illustrated in the previous tutorial. This one shows both how to use it with objects that have random parameters, and also with a 2D grid structure: something I have used a lot.

I chose this gif as example for this tutorial:

digits version

In the gif the positions of the tiles on one axis (x-axis) never change, and it moves along another axis (y-axis). We’re going to use a 2D grid of tiles of size 70 x 4. The idea is that every object (tile) will take the place 4 tile later along y-axis at the end of the loop.

First let’s make the grid of tiles and show them.

Here is some code to draw that:

There’s already the setup to render the animation although the tiles don’t move yet. I also already rotated the view as it is at the end. I made gifs at 50 fps (delay=2). L defines the size of the tiles.

So far it looks like this:

tiles still

Now let’s use replacement technique with our grid taking the next grid position when time is increased by 1.

In Tile class:

We get something like this:

moving tiles

It does not look amazing but we’ve got a nice structure behind and a large part of the work is done.

Let’s introduce a delay member in the Tile class that will determine when a tile starts to flip:

The variable changer is 0 before p=delay, then its value increases to 1 until p=delay+2.5, then its value stays at 1. So this is used to rotate the tiles around X axis. The result looks like this:

introduced delay

Let’s try to have a delay that changes according to the y index so that the 4x70 grid structure is less apparent.

Maybe I can make this formula logical by saying that when y and yIndex increase, we want the tile to move later, so with more delay.

The fix looks like this:

delay with yIndex

Now let’s add some gaussian noise to the delay of each tile to get something that looks more complex (and by the way the delay is a bit decreased with a constant).

gaussian delay

To make this a bit more exciting we can use easing functions, you can find some on this page.

Easing functions basically distort values between 0 and 1 and can be useful to get nice transitions. Here it’s directly applied to the changer variable.

use of easing

Then I’ve done something with colors:

(note: changer variable, and not elasticChanger, is used to change colors. That’s why I use two different variables)

Here is the result:

color changes

Because we can do more random stuff for each object than the gaussian noise, I thought about using different digits. You could also give a random color to each tile, random different easing, random size/shape, etc…

The Tile class with the digits (very few changes):

digits version

One thing I sometimes do is to have something in each object that changes with 1D noise and the “p” variable in this code (and with a different seed for each object).

Important: The “changer” thing that is used here to trigger something is not necessary at all for 2D grid replacement loops: objects are more generally changing with the parameter p.

The grid is a quite abstract structure, it doesn’t have to look like as much as a grid as here, and I use the same technique to make some tunnel gifs.

Thanks for reading and I hope you found this interesting or helpful.

Here is the entire code for the above finished gif of this tutorial:

Here’s a pretty similar gif I made:

constructing column gif

Also this one:

rolling grid

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