
Loops, creative coding.

Frequently asked questions

What software do you use to make your animations?

My animations are made by programming. Most of them have been made with Processing (Java version). I’ve also been using openFrameworks which is similar to Processing but in C++. I also make stuff with shaders (GLSL) sometimes.

How to learn to do this?

To learn to draw stuff with code, I suggest watching The Coding Train. There are videos that explain programming from zero, but if you are already at least a little experienced in programming but not creative coding you might be interested in the Coding Challenges for example (that’s how I started!).

Other advice I can give is to look at documentation and experiment. The Twitter creative coding community can be great to find some inspiration.

To learn to code gifs and loop techniques you can check out my tutorials, and some of my Processing source codes for more interesting examples.

How can I watch the animations with seamlessly smooth loops?

The animations on social media or in the main gallery of this site are often in MP4 format (or other video formats) instead of GIF format. This can occasionally result in unsmooth looping with a slight lag at the end of the video, which might be particularly noticeable for animations with very short loops.

To solve that, I recommend checking out on a desktop computer the GIF format version of the gallery here , or my Tumblr blog for smooth looping animations. This gif format gallery could also be good on your phone.

However the video/MP4 versions are lighter files to load, and are generally smooth enough.

Can I/we use your animations, what’s the pricing?

Contact me: etin.jacob (at)

Do you sell NFTs?

No, I don’t.